marți, 29 mai 2018

restart 3

redefine 1

I am a tremendous man of value who owns the creation of his happiness and well-being. I can’t feel disrespected, insulted or offended by anyone unless I give them that power.

Jealousy is an emotion based on the fear of what my wife thinks about me. What I think about me will always be more important than that. My wife is a beautiful addition to my life – but she is not my life. I will care deeply about her thoughts, dreams and fears but I am unfazed if she chooses to reject mine. I chose her to join me in life and I can un-choose her if needed. This applies to all people I allow into my life.

I am accountable to the standards and boundaries I place on myself. And I’m unafraid to communicate the standards and boundaries I have for those I include in my life. I am an imperfect work-in-progress and respect that in my wife and others.

The relationships I choose will include mutual respect, trust, support, honesty and consideration of each other. And I will continuously work on being a man who can create that and who deserves to expect it from my partner.

luni, 7 mai 2018

restart 2

joi, 3 mai 2018


I want to be in a long term, committed, romantic relationship with a woman who shares my values for trust, respect, honesty, affection, appreciation and acceptance.

I want a relationship with a foundation of mutual admiration and support of each other's dreams and desire to live a full life of achievement, growth and contribution.

I want a relationship that is playful, fun, adventurous, flirtatious and full of intimacy and passion for each other.

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